Tough questions from my 5 year old daughter 

This morning faith goes through her new born pictures on my labtop. She sees pictures of me with a big stumach, She ask “why was your tummy big here”?

Me: I was carrying you

Faith: I was inside? (She looks shocked and starts laughing with excitement), how did I get in and how did I come out?

Me: (I pause, to think of a better explanation for a 5 year old. Am struggling to come up with something, I never thought she will want to know so much)

Faith: tell me, tell me, I want to know.

Me: Mummy and daddy prayed to God for you, we asked God to bless us with a baby girl. God made you and magically put you in mummy’s stomach. When you were ready I went to the hospital and you magically came out. (I am so lucky she knows and understand magic from her cartoons)

Faith: wow, really mummy! So am I the way you told God to make me?

Me: yes you are, you have mummy’s noise and lips, eyes like your daddy, beautiful hair and body. You are even prettier than we imagined you. You are perfect. 

Faith: she got very happy. And the case was closed.

Another tough question she once asked me when she was 3 years old which I never forgot.

Walking home from her crèche we pass a young couple kissing, which seemed like a goodbye kiss before they go their separate ways. Faith: “mummy why do a boy and a girl kiss?” these questions always come when I least expect them and I would wish i could pause the question and continue later when I have thought long and hard about what I am going to say to her.  Me: It is what people do when they love each other… Faith: She quickly ask, so I can kiss my friends (including boys) because I love them? Me: No, you do not kiss everyone you love or like, you only kiss mummy, daddy and grannies (family), when you are old enough you will get married to a boy (man) then you can kiss him. So you only kiss family for now. Faith: ok mummy I will not be kissing any boy, I will only kiss you, daddy and grannies. Till this day she still says this when she sees people kissing or talking to her friends.  

They are many questions and whys I get from her daily. She gets curious about a lot of things. When she wants answers she wants them now. I have also realised according to her they is nothing I do not now, I know all answers to all questions. So if she wants to know about something I do not know about, I do a little research for her (ask a couple of people and check the internet on the subject).  

15 Comments Add yours

  1. Growing Self says:

    And they always ask the most interesting questions at the dinner table! You are both beautiful! 💚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bafikile says:

      Thank you for visiting and the compliment. Yes they do😃, it’s even worse when you are having visitors over.


      1. Growing Self says:

        And wait until the teenage years! 😜

        Liked by 2 people

      2. bafikile says:

        Oh my 😃😃, i can only imagine.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. The two of you are both beautiful by the way! Oh goodness, they sure do have a way of catching us off guard don’t they?!! I LOVED your response though – what a perfect answer!! Along those same lines, I once had to have a plumber come over in the apartment me and the kids lived in at the time and out of nowhere my son blurts out (he was maybe 6) “Are you going to marry my Mom?”. To this day I have no clue why he asked that! I mean the poor plumber had barely walked in the door!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bafikile says:

      imagine that!😃😃.. i had a similar situation last year when a guy friend of mine came to the apartment to assist me with an assignment, i was struggling with. It was on a Saturday afternoon when he came, after he left she came to me and said “mummy do you love that guy”?.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Aw, thank you for sharing this heart-warming story! You give amazing answers to her questions. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bafikile says:

      Thank you so much for the visit and for the lovely feedback – am glad you like the answers💚.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. She is a lovely little girl. Am happy she is asking you those questions and not someone that can mislead her. You are a great mum. Keep it up, tell her aunty says hi.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bafikile says:

      So true… I try by all means to answer and not make her feel bad about asking questions Because I want her to never have a reason to seek information else where. Thank you for the sweet words.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are welcome, am really proud of you.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. bafikile says:


        Liked by 1 person

  5. Interesting post, love your small genius

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bafikile says:

      Thank you dear… so sweet!! We love you too!!

      Liked by 1 person

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